Spreedwriting "dramatically" reduces your notetaking time. :o)The Instruction Sheet.
Moving clockwise the first player announces the word s/he has chosen
to transcribe that highlights the stenograph showcased by that round.

At the end of each round each player hands his/her Game Sheet to
the person on their right who marks the score.

The maximum score for a round is 30 points: 10 points for having tried
to transcribe a word containing the "featured" stenograph; 10 points
for having transcribed their word correctly; 10 points for correcting the
transcription of the player to his/her left.

Whenever a player corrects the transcription of the player to his/her left,
shouts: "Another 10 points FOR ME!" (while everyone else applauds).

Then, the player to his/her right adds 10 points to the third line in his/her
Game Sheet score area.

Then, it's on to the next stenograph.

At the end of the game each player passes his/her Game Sheet to the
player to his/her left who adds up the points.

The highest scorer earns the title of "Professor"; the second highest
the title of "Teacher"; the third highest the title of "Student".

Section C Notes
In Section C where a stenograph can represent two (2) different kinds
of sound-combos ("joined" and "disjoined"), the player chooses only
one (1) word that illustrates either one - NOT both.
For example, the cursive capitalized S-stenograph "when joined"
represents the st-sound-combo as in the C:28.1 example-word,
"strong", but "when disjoined", it represents the sity-sound-
as in the 28.2 example-word, "university".

Note: the hyphen in the transcribed C:27.2 example-word, "well-
read", is circled because it is NOT a stenograph.

"Same" Letter, but 3 "Different" Sounds
The first o-letter of "tomorrow" is a u-sound; the second an a-sound;
the third an o-sound:
English is weird that way.

Remember to write what you "hear".

Using pencils allows you to reuse the Game Sheets.