@Kenneth Selin Considering several people died again to earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, bad taste. @Ding Dong WHAT IS IN BAD TASTE IS "YOU": your name + your profile indicate you're anonymous. Truth be told, A CIA TROUBLEMAKER, truth be told. :D What about over 10 MILLION CIVILIAN U.S. war casualties, do you care? AND NOW, you're "pretending" to care about the victims of the earthquakes? Honestly? Come on! Get off the toilet. You AMERICANS are BIZARRE living in A BIZARRO WORLD OF WAR + MASS KILLINGS - every day! FACT CHECK: more than "several" were killed by the equakes. HOW MANY LIES has Oldman Biden proferred today? Just asking. (Ha! Ha!) And I thought Trump (the guy that stiffed 3,000 contractors and racked up 7 backrupcies) was BAD! The USA is "a lie-based", godforsaken society. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA