62 ---- 77 THE DEBT CEILING IS A "meaningless" scapegoat AT THIS TIME. YOU NAILED THE PROBLEM: TAX-CUTTING over the years hand in hand with OVERSPENDING. THE TAX-CUTTING really started back when Raegan was Governor of California with Bill 13 that allowed Rich Americans there to NOT pay their fair share of taxes. The Rich in the USA embolden by this had the Federal Gov't passed a law that allowed the Rich to do the same: a law - by the way - that was RENEWED by each NEW PRESIDENT taking office - be he a Democrat or a Republican. I'm completely AGHAST the U.S. Gov't has lasted this long without declaring default on its debt. THE GOVERNMENT'S WAY OUT WAS SELLING MORE DEBT (what people incorrectly refer to as PRINTING MONEY): Gov't Treasury Bonds. THE PINNACLE OF THE PROBLEM is THE DEMAND for them has FALLEN! SO, IT CAN'T DO THAT ANY MORE. AND there lies the problem. It's FORCED DO DOWNSIZE. The question is this: by HOW MUCH? It will mean getting rid of the U.S. Military. (WHO will want to invade the USA because it's going to be AN ECONOMIC BASKET CASE anyway: FINALLY, there will be PEACE IN THE VALLEY. :D This will END THE THREAT OF WW III for good!) ADMISSION by the U.S. Gov't that it's BROKE will cause the value of the U.S. dollar to fall: you're looking at a U.S. DOLLAR being the equivalent of 3 Canadian cents. Che sarĂ , sarĂ . Ken, Toronto, CANADA ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You're SO SMART: the Rich STOPPED paying their share of taxes back with Bill 13 in California when Raegan was Governor. Then, A FEDERAL LAW was passed to do the same nationally. Between TAX-CUTTING+OVERSPENDING, the U.S. GOV'T has placed the USA in A DEATH GRIP. AND who's TO BLAME? Yep. THE RICH (soon to be paupers) like in all FASCIST POLICE STATES. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA