WHY Obama did NOT OUTLAW white supremist groups who are ARMED is a mystery to me. BUT THE ANSWER lies in THE FACT they run the U.S. Gov't along with elected KKK Freemasons with THE CROOKS IN CHARGE of the U.S. Gov't that has ZERO FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY - JUST LIKE THE BRITS. (Ha! Ha!) SO, THE QUESTION IS THIS: is OLDMAN Biden prepared to do that: OUTLAW white supremist groups. THE ANSWER is NO! Consequently, the USA, a country with TOO MANY PEOPLE WITH TOO FEW JOBS + A FALLING DOLLAR (just like the Brits FALLING POUND) will CONTINUE (like the Brits) its DOWNWARD DECLINE. Both THE AMERICANS + THE BRITS are cut from THE SAME CLOTH: THEY BOTH HAVE TO HAVE THEIR WAY. Boris Johnson is NOT A MAN OF COMPRIMISE. Like THE AMERICANS he has to have his way. This UNCOMPROMISING ATTITUDE is ruffling feathers in the US + contributes to the DOWNWARD DECLINE of the Brits who are experiencing A SERIOUS FLIGHT OF FOREIGN CAPITAL as foreign investors seek to CUT THEIR LOSSES. HOW DOES ALL THE END FOR BOTH THE AMERICANS + THE BRITS? Not well - INDEED! They are LOOKING AT POVERTY - "IN THE FACE". :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA RESPONSE to remark by James Crowder THIS IS "CLASSIC" U.S. PROPAGANDA "brainwashing" RHETORIC that works with the leaders of NATO COUNTRIES - for some unexplained reason: "perhaps, just perhaps, they're UNDER SOME EVIL SPELL like the USA. (HA! HA!) The USA is protecting the "free world". I love THIS OVERWORKED CATCH-PHRASE because it's SO very FUNNY not to mention IDIOTIC! This is OLD FASHIONED COLD WAR RHETORIC that is OUT OF STEP with todays reality - just like NATO is. THE AMERICANS "insist" IN LIVING IN THE PAST in their Cold War psychotic rhetoric. As someone who was involved with spies during the Cold War, it was surprising to learn - right away - that THE PROBLEM WAS THE AMERICANS. We. in Canada, DEFROSTED THE COLD WAR IN by NOT involving THE AMERICANS: THAT WAS "THE ONLY WAY". The COLD WAR IS OVER: you can THANK CANADA FOR THAT! The USA has A WAR ECONOMY and - the irony of ironies - THEIR $764 BILLION DOLLAR a-year MILITARY MACINE IS OUT OF DATE. (HA! HA!) Russia spends a mere $45 BILLION on its military + IT'S - BY FAR - THE BEST. They "armed" Iran SO WELL that the USA DOES NOT DARE ATTACK Iran: ONE OF ITS TOP INTELLIGENCE OBJECTIVES. It was President Putin who KICKED THE YANKY ASS - OVER A DECADE - IN SYRIA making him A HERO IN THE MUSLIM WORLD. YOUR TALK is DELUSIONAL like that of the rest of the U.S. Gov't who is - by the way - VICIOUSLY ANTI-CANADIAN + PROUD OF IT. It was a U.S. presidential tradition to put Canada down as THE FIRST ITEM OF BUSINESS. Kennedy did it. Shame! Ken, Toronto, Canada RESPONSE to remark by Tru Blu A GREAT COUNTRY with "ZERO" BULLET TRAINS, "ZERO" SUPERSONIC MISSILES (because its $764 BILLION a-year military is DATED), with bridges FALLING DOWN like the YANKY $, with MORE HOMELESS PEOPLE - BY THE DAY, with a $30 TRILLION - IMPOSSIBLE - DEBT (due to costly, unnecessary, unprovoked, unjustified wars as a result of decades of warfare), WITH FALLING STOCK MARKETS BECAUSE THE FUTURE OF THE USA IS BLEAK! Perhaps, "foreigners are tripping over each other to come" + see HOW BAD THINGS "ALREADY" ARE - to get their jollies. :D SOON, you'll see Congressmen + Congress women panhandling + the President getting around Washington ALONE + IN DISGUISE: A REAL BIG TOURIST DRAW that will be. Yep! And MOST OF THOSE TOURISTS - I BET YAH - WILL BE RUSSIAN. (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, Canada