680 OLD MAN Biden is LIVING IN THE PAST: he's ON AUTO PILOT acting as politicians did IN THE PAST. In fact, THE AMERICANS have been "STUCK" LIVING IN THE PAST since the 1st Bush took office who - so it seemed - told his son, Bush JUNIOR: let the backroom boys run the show. [That's the way to it: GO ALONG FOR THE RIDE SON. (Ha! Ha!)] Obamas did the same. Trump comes along + does the same thing: praising the Police + the Military threatening North Korea saying THAT AMERICA IS READY TO FIGHT. Did he NOT tell North Korea "OUR MISSILES ARE BIGGER THAN YOUR"? (CRAZY WAR TALK.) You'd thing by how these U.S. presidents behaved that it was WAR TIME. And with them, it was. Had Trump been reelected (It came dangerously close: maybe those elections were fixed after all, thank gawd.) they'd probably would have caused ANOTHER unnecessary, unprovoked, unjustified, ILLEGAL - costly - SENSELESS WAR as it has been THE CUSTOME since the 1st Bush took office. (Ha! Ha!) AND, NOW, we have this military conflict in the Ukraine caused BECAUSE OF NATO run by THE AMERICANS: NATO is AN EXTENSION OF U.S. IMPERIALISM that is having "A TREMENDOUS NEGATIVE ECONOMIC IMPACT" ON MOST NATO COUNTRIES. LET'S STATE THE OBVIOUS: war, TODAY, is OUT OF DATE. WAR IS A THING OF THE PAST. Let's NOT LIVE IN THE PAST. Australia, Japan, South Korea, India ... join in THIS CHORUS OF WAR RHETORIC with THE QUAD only to see their respective currencies being DEVALUED reducing the purchasing power of their citizens. Should they continue THIS FOLLY? ONLY IF THEY WANT TO BE POOR. (Ha! Ha!) THE SOLUTION HAS "ALWAYS BEEN" to make THE UNITED NATIONS WORK. THE USA preferred TO GO SOLO taking its allies under its wing. THE WHOLE AFFAIR IS SO REDICULOUSLY ABURD, NOT just OLD MAN Biden. Has THE WORLD GONE CRAZY? ONLY THE USA + ITS ALLIES. U.S. INSANITY appears to be contagious among U.S. ALLIES - ONLY! (Ha! Ha!) IN TODAY'S "REAL" WORLD, everyone gets along, cooperates + collaborates FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF HUMANITY with the goal of eliminating poverty in order to achieve GLOBAL PROSPERITY. There is NO PLACE, today, FOR WAR MACHINES: they only get stuck in the mud. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA