Allow me to use my FIVE (5) university degrees + ALMOST FIVE (5) OTHER UNIVERSITY DEGREES to my advantage, please. :D You say "a quick read". INDEED! (Ha! Ha!) Being a university liberal arts "trained scholar", I know the importance of CHECKING one's SOURCES in order to know how correct/incorrect they are. :D LET'S START by agreeing on a few things. FIRST, the founder of Normandy was the Viking king, Rollo. "the Viking leader Rollo and the Frankish King Charles the Simple signed the Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte, under which Charles gave Rouen and the area of present-day Upper Nor- mandy to Rollo, establishing the Duchy of Normandy." Source: By the way, the city of North-Western Quebec, Rouen Noranda gets its name from Jean-Baptiste de Rouyn, Rouyn being the Norman city of Rouen, France. THE QUESTION IS THIS: "where" was he born? THE CORRECT ANSWER: we doN'T know. The Vikings can be divided into three (3) groups. THE NORWEGIANS They went back + forth from Norway to Northern Scotland. My first name: Kenneth My first name by the way is Kenneth: it is "commonly" believed to be Scottish when, in fact, it's a Nordic name. THE DANES The conquered East England: East Anglia. Thet "imposed" Danelaw on the English. HEADS-UP: Danelaw was NOT part of Norman culture. THE SWEDES The Swedish Vikings were THE MOST ADVENTUROUS VIKINGS. They held sway all the way into Russia where St. Petersburg is today: as a result, the girls there look very Scandinavian. By the way, Ivan the Terrible who unified Russian making it the biggest country in the world was of Swedish descent. The Swedish Vikings sold lumber to the Arabs adroitly using network of waterways and creating Viking cities along the route such as Novgorod. "There is archaeological evidence that Vikings reached Baghdad, the centre of the Islamic Empire.[76] The Norse regularly plied the Volga with their trade goods: furs, tusks, seal fat for boat sealant, and slaves. Important trading ports during the period include Birka, Hedeby, Kaupang, Jorvik, Staraya Ladoga, Novgorod, and Kiev." "Hoards of 9th century Baghdad-minted silver coins have been found in Sweden, particularly in Gotland." Source: THE KNIGHTS The famous knights were from Normandy or lands occupied by the Normans like England after the 1066 Battle of Hastings. The Knights of Normandy conquered English + Sicily. They were responsible for the crusades. The English story of the Knights of the Round Table + their king, King Arthur have everything to do with being the descendants of the Knights of Normandy. My family name: Selin My Swedish Viking family name is Selin (say'leen): it originates near the Norwegian/Swedish borders. The are variations of the name where the Swedish Vikings went and THAT BEING NORMANDY. The Norman variation is Gosselin + Asselin: French-Canadian names as 75% of French-Canadians come from Normandy. LET'S GET BACK to your "incorrect" quick read: what you're falsely alleging is the "unsubstantiated", "speculative" claim that the Normans were Danes. Were they? You know already there was NO DANELAW in Normandy. LET'S SUPPOSE they were Danes. (They, clearly, wereN'T!) THEN, we would have "SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE" to that would "effectively" support your claim arising from CLOSE CONTACT with the Danes in East Anglia; but, THERE IS NO SUCH SUPPORTING EVIDENCE - WHATSOEVER! Your "uncorroborated" assertion is evidently specious - with- out any grounds - at all. University liberal arts intellectual training is all about finding out what's TRUE + what's NOT! :D That involves "being critical" of the veracity of your sources: that's where GOOD RESEARCH SKILLS resulting from a good university liberal arts program come into play. Preferably, the findings are further substantiated by cross- reference material by other legitimate, relevant documents. Comic books doN'T count. (Ha! Ha!) In summary, - there were NO NORWEIGIAN KNIGHTS; - there were NO DANISH KNIGHTS; - there were only NORMAN/SWEDISH KNIGHTS. THIS PROVES unequivocally that THE SWEDISH VIKINGS are THE ONES who settled in Normandy. And there you have it. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA