629 -------- 1,048 -------1,837 THE USA is BLUFFING EVERY WHICH WAY starting by claiming they're THE WORLD'S #1 OIL producer: incidentally it get "most" of its oil from Canada for FREE because the OIL+GAS SECTOR is run by the AMERICANS whose royalty fees are cancelled out by THE FREE MONEY the Gov't gives them for "allegedly" exploration purposes. It's NO SURPRISE, then, that ex-President Bush gave his 1st talk "outside" of the USA in Calgary, Alberta where THE AMERICAN OIL MEN are located. THE REALITY is the USA is BROKE: it does NOT have ONE BULLET TRAIN nor ONE SUPERSONIC MISSILE with global reach. JUST LOOK at HOW MANY TOWER CONSTRUCTION CRANES any U.S. city has. NOT MANY. By way on contrast, THANKS to China, Toronto has 250+! HOWEVER, as long as the U.S. DOLLAR does NOT fall, it's fine. IN FACT, the "relative" value of the U.S. DOLLARhas increased. BUT it's faced with a "permanent" DOWNWARD TREND for the years ahead that will be "reinforced" by the implosion of their many banks due to BAD DEBTS ON THE BOOKS + for having lent money to those with HIGH CREDIT RISKS which in these tough economic times they can KISS GOODBYE! :D Once the U.S. DOLLAR becomes worth less + less, then people around the world will realize the USA is NO LONGER THE GLOBAL POWER it once was, but NOT ANYMORE. THE OVERRIDING PROBLEM OF THE AMERICANS is that they're living in a psychotic "AMERICA IS THE BEST" bubble believing THE STATUS QUO is fine: it's NOT! You have to CHANGE WITH THE TIMES. You have to STAY ON TOP OF THINGS. THE AMERICANS are "stuck" IN THE PAST back in the 1980s which is reflected their preference for TV shows of that period. HOW CAN YOU GO FORWARD when you're "stuck" IN THE PAST. (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA