The U.S. specialty is MIND CONTROL: they played Merkel like a puppet on a string. THE END RESULT is A FALLING EURO. Merkel let the USA through NATO + every other means at its disposal to run Europe in Germany's place. THE CHERRY ON THE SUNDAE was Merkel's speech to the Harvard graduates. (See (SHAMEFULL!) Little did she know THE AMERICANS WERE LAUGHING AT HER IN HER FACE while they clapped. It was A MAJOR INTELLIGENCE COUP by the USA that made the Germans LOOK STUPID! That should NOT have been allowed by the German intelligence service whose agents, by the way, like the Japanese are BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. What is the German intelligence service WORTH? Not much. "Historically", it was THE BEST! That's DEFINITELY NOT the case TODAY. The French made THE MISTAKE of trying TO WOO THE USA by joining NATO. That was another brilliant intelligence coup by the USA using Paul Desmarais of Power Corporation to convince the French Sarkozy Gov't to join NATO, Sarkozy being the protégé of Paul Desmarais. Paul Desmarais had been invited to Washington a number of times to get his ego massaged by the American so they could have their way with him and they did. It worked. The downfall of the Euro has everything to do with THE NEGATIVE INFLUENCE of the USA in Europe + NATO. So, WHO's running Europe? I guess it's the USA. (Ha! ha!) NOT Germany. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA