THE HORRIBLE PLACE is the USA: it's A gawd-damn (Pardon my French. Ha! Ha!) HORROR STORY with MASS MURDERS - EVERY DAY! It can only go in ONE DIRECTION: downhill! China "already" is THE UNCONTESTED SUPER POWER. NOW! TODAY! The USA is doing everything in its power to take it down. The US dollar is falling means it's all over. U.S. cities compared to China's is like night and day: the USA looks like A 'BACKWARD' COUNTRY COMPARED TO MODERN DAY CHINA. And without Chinese investment, the USA will be THE WORLD'S GREATEST ECONOMIC BASKET CASE - AND IT'S ALL GOING TO HAPPEN - SO DAMN - FAST! What's to blame for this: FIRST AND FOREMOST, the U.S. foreign policy of MUSLIM BASHING that resulted in costly, unjustified wars that has created such a debt that it's 'officially' BANKRUPT. (It's now living on borrowed time.) SECONDLY, ORGANIZED CRIME is an out of control cancer in the public sector. The President and the U.S. Administration HAVE LOST CONROL the U.S. Gov't with the CIA involved with the American Hells Angels in Canada in MULTIBILLION DOLLAR DRUG TRAFICKING and on the world stage, in MULTIBILLION DOLLAR ARMS TRAFFICKING ON THE BLACK MARKET stirring up armed conflict wherever it can (especially in Africa) in order to sell MORE ARMS! AND the KKK Freemasons along with THE WHITE SUPREMACIST GROUPS run the Gov't. The federal $7.25/hour minimum wage is A HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION. In some states it's only $6/hour. (Prisoners in prison factories only get 13 cents an hour: THAT'S FORCED LABOUR. The Rich DON'T PAY their share of taxes: that tells you along with ZERO GOV'T TRANSPARENCY (WHO are getting the Gov't contracts? Only those that know how the bribed and kickbacks work.) that the USA is A CLASSIC - FASCIST - POLICE STATE. The U.S. Gov't policy of MISINFORMATION IN ORDER TO HAVE ITS WAY AT ALL COST (RIGHT OR WRONG THE AMERICANS HAVE TO HAVE THEIR WAY.) and DESTABILIZING EVERY CONTRY IT CAN do NOT make the USA look like A NICE GUY, eh? IN SHORT, the USA TODAY is FINISHED! KAPUTT! F*CKED! :( Ken, Toronto, Canada