1,082 ------ 1,174 ------ 1,261 ----- 1,307 ------ 1,328 ----- 1,337 These U.S. media propogated "myths" doN'T he to explain today's U.S.economic woes: 1. the U.S. Gov't can PRINT MONEY whenever it wants willy-nilly [when in fact it's a "metaphorical" (NOT literal) expression re: THE ABILITY of the U.S. Gov't to sell T-bills and thus raise the money it needs to keep its doors open: this works PROVIDED the demand for U.S. T-bills is STRONG - those "free loving days" are GONE!) 2. RAISING THE DEBT CEILING solves the "increasing shortage" of money coming into the Gov't coffers due to THE WEAK global ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT that's causing consumer spending to DROP resulting in MORE+MORE BUSINESS CLOSURES, JOB LOSSES, HOMELESSNESS which put DOWNWARD PRESSURE on THE ABILITY of U.S. Gov't to stay AFLOAT. In other words, raising the debt ceiling DOES NOT SAVE THE DAY. Such "misleading" lingo gives the impression that AMERICANS ARE NOT STRAIGHT SHOOTERS. Such "misleading" lingo allows CONFUSION REIGNS at "a critical time" when investors need to be reassured. THE TRUTH in the whole matter is this: for things to CHANGE, the U.S. Gov't SPENDING PRIORITIES have to change. THE STATUS QUO NO LONGER WORKS: Biden + Trump are STATUS QUO guys taking the U.S.A. down THE RABBIT HOLE regardless of who wins the next election in 2024. The USA spent a "record-breaking" $877 BILLION on their OUT-OF-DATE military that does NOT EVEN have ONE SUPERSONIC MISSILE with global reach while China + Russia do when China + Russia KEEP EMPHASIZING that their military is ONLY FOR DEFENSIVE PURPOSES. The U.S. Gov't knows THE WAY TO ECONOMIC HELL with the OTHER NATO COUNTRIES FOLLOWING THEM - BLINDLY! (Ha! Ha!) THOSEinflation-causing INTEREST RATE INCREASES have been keeping the U.S. dollar STRONG while "KILLING" THE U.S. BANKING SECTOR already "loaded" with BAD DEBT. The CHOICE is to keep THE INTEREST RATE HIGH TO KEEP THE FALLING U.S. DOLLAR STRONG or NOT! Either way, the USA is SCREWED! :D SO, how does Canada fair in all this: WELL! AND IT'S ONLY THANKS TO THE CHINESE: Toronto has 250+ TOWER CONSTRUCTION CRANES. Toronto is THE BOOM CITY OF THE WORLD all thanks to CHINA! :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA