8,369 --- 8,444 --- 8,480 "FEATURED" COMMENT - from among ... Sitting President Biden BEHIND THE POLISH PRESIDENT was CLEAR- LY MEANT TO BE AN INSULT to the USA + AN OBVIOUS SIGN that the world is GETTING FED UP WITH THE "warmongering" AMERICANS responsible for THE HIGH INFLATION + WICKED ENERGY PRICES that the average person/business person CANNOT AFFORD in Britain in particular + THE VERY COLD WINTER AHEAD FOR EUROPE FACED WITH voluntary + involuntary BLACKOUTS all this "primed" by the USA since 2014 when the Ukraine backed out from joining the EU - at the last minute - in a well-planned effort to "unhinge" President Putin in the hope of "discrediting" him in the eyes of the Russian People in order to WEAKEN RUSSIA + make it "appear weak + in- significant" in the eyes of the World. President Biden's 14th row seat portends to A STRONG ANTI-NATO BACKLASH + perhaps, "the dissolution" of the EU along with A BANK- RUPT BRITAIN all thanks to the USA wanting to DESTABILIZE RUSSIA - AT ALL COST! SUCH LUNACY has no place outside of the USA. (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA