1,308 ----- 1,348 ------ 1,502 $8 TRILLION in unprovoked, unjustified wars OUT OF THE WINDOW: SUCH AN UNIMAGINABLE waste of money. Can the USA recover from this? Inspite of his townhall meetings + winning the Noble Peace Prize, Obama did MAKE ALL OF THIS WORSE! Go figure! MY ASSESSMENT of him given HOW HE WALKS + TALKS + CARRIES HIMSELF is that he's A TYPICAL UPPERCLASS-recruited CIA. (Condelezza Rice is another CIA agent - in my view.) If TRUE, he works for the CIA, had THE AMERICANS KNOWN this, they would have known WHAT TO EXPECT: MORE MILITARY SPENDING, MORE WAR as evidenced by his 2011 ARABIC SPRING UPRISING that started with THE NEEDLESS KILLING of Gaddifi within THE FIRST THREE (3) WEEKS + THE NATO BOMBING OF Libya 24/7 for SEVEN (7) MONTHS so the military industrial complexes of all NATO nations could make WADS OF MONEY at the expense of their taxpayers. Raising the debt ceiling is MEANINGLESS. THE QUESTION is this: do THE U.S. GOV'T HAVE THE MONEY TO MAINTAIN ITS STATUS QUO APPROACH? THE ANSWER is A "BLATANT" NO! The "already" expected $1.5 TRILLION DEFICIT for 2023 tells the story. The high U.S. interest rates have everything to do with keeping A FALLING U.S. DOLLAR STRONG + nothing to do with inflation. AS LONG AS THAT U.S. DOLLAR remains strong, the U.S. Gov't can "pretend" its STATUS QUO APPROACH is fine, but NOT for long. And there lies THE PROBLEM. Ken, Toronto, CANADA