MY UNDERSTANDING of this whole UGLY AFFAIR has everything to do with THE AMERICANS telling Sri Lankans that Chinese investment is A TRAP. Consequently, upon the advice of THE AMERICANS, the Sri Lankans PUT A STOP TO CHINESE INVESTMENT. (THE AMERICANS had to have known THE DIRE CONSEQUENCES that "THAT" would entail, but obviously didN'T care.) Had they NOT PUT A STOP TO CHINESE INVESTMENT everything would be JUST FINE. A case similar to this is Jamaica: the Chinese bought this + that + doing so put Jamaica on SUCH A SOUND ECONOMIC FOOTING that Jamaicans no longer care to leave their island. In short, the Chinese bring ECONOMIC STABILITY TO COUNTRIES: this, THE AMERICANS don't like. So THEY TRY TO STOP CHINESE INVESTMENT IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES which is exactly what happened in the case of Sri Lanka. THANKS TO THE CHINESE + NO ONE ELSE the World is enjoying GLOBAL ECONOMIC STABILITY as we go into a global economic contraction that will last several decades + economically batter especially NATO countries + deservedly so. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA