"HIS" CLASSIC ADVICE when it comes to investing (the mantra of all stock firms): HOLD ON TO YOUR INVESTMENT - even with its GOING SOUTH. THE CORRECT ADVICE is to have DECISION RULES IN PLACE: for example, if your investment GOES UP, SELL! AND if your investment GOES DOWN, SELL! But he does NOT say that, does he? NOW HE USES THIS "TEXAN" BELIEF: we (the USA) are TOO BIG TOO FAIL. WHAT?!!! I say: REMEMBER THE TITANIC. :D THE PROBLEM IN THE USA, the Gov't + military + THE BANKS (like Wells Fargo) are RUN BY CROOKS! In Canada, THE BANKS ARE STRONG AS CANADA PASSED LEGISLATION in the late 1970s TO ENSURE BANKS HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO COVER BAD DEBTS to the point of allowing THE BANKS TO "CHARGE MORE" FOR THEIR SERVICES until now: Senator Hayden (who decorated his Senate corner office with Rembrandts) was THE DRIVING FORCE BEHIND THIS. Today, Canadians can heave a sigh of relief and say THANK GOD! Perhaps, it would be MORE CORRECT TO SAY to this ICONIC SHORT MAN responsible WHOM I HAD THE PLEASURE TO KNOW "PERSONALLY": thank you, Senator Hayden. (Ha! Ha!) As an aside: "ANOTHER" EMINENT JEWISH SENATOR, also short in stature, whom I had the pleasure and honour of knowing personally, was Senator Croll famous for his early 1970s report on poverty in Canada. COMMENT: his report on poverty is "passed over" by our CROOKED FASCIST POLICE STATE GOV'T, but it "will have its day in the sun" according to the political intelligensia in Canada who SEE POVERTY as being THE NUMBER ONE PROBLEM. I'm in their camp. (Ha! Ha!) THE U.S. RESULT IS THIS: the only GOOD BANK the Americans have is Toronto Dominion, TOTALLY OWNED BY AMERICANS: they took it over using CANADA TRUST rebranded as TD Canada Trust. :D In Canada, our Gov't + military are RUN BY CROOKS, yes, LIKE THE USA, but OUR BANKS ARE SOLID! Ken, Toronto, CANADA