NATO provoked this war. Obama provoked the Russians by putting missiles in Eastern Europe + packing Poland + other countries with NATO troops. NATO leaders go to visit President Putin to laugh in his face giving President Putin THE TIME HE NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE NECESSARY PREPARATIONS for his incursion into Ukraine whose sole purpose is to neuter the Ukrainian military the was being flooded with weapons from abroad to be used against Russia. THIS INCURSION IS PURELY A DEFENSIVE MEASURE ON THE PART OF RUSSSIA. It has only met with LIMITED CONDEMNATION by U.S. allies + NATO countries. Had the USA + NATO countries cared about the Ukrainians they would have urged TO *NOT* FIGHT THE RUSSIANS. Instead the armed UNTRAINED Ukrainian civilians and said: GO FIGHT AND BECOME A DEAD HERO. How irresponsible is THAT? Russia does NOT want the Ukraine to join NATO as THIS WOULD BE THE ULTIMAT PROVOCATION. The strategy by NATO is to NOT take President Putin seriously to "intentionally" PROVOKE HIM. This military incursion is THE FAULT OF NATO. more specifically the WAR-MONGERING USA. SHAME ON THE USA. SAME ON THE USA for the CIA-backed death squads in Latin America. SHAME ON THE USA for having the CIA direct the Salvadoran military to WIPE OUT ENTIRE VILLAGES OF ALL HUMAN LIFE. SHAME ON THE USA for using AGENT ORANGE to intentionally kills over 5,000,000 Vietnamese civilians, SHAME ON THE USA for furnishing the French Army with napalm in Vietnam and doing the same by having napalm dropped on Vietnamese villages killing 500,000 civilians. THESE ARE "VICIOUS" ACTS OF TERRORISM BY A DIABOLICAL NATION, the USA (NOT Russia, NOT China, but the godforsaken country of the USA whose has been since the mid-1970s when the CIA got involved in MULTIBILLION DOLLAR DRUG TRAFFICKING TO DESTABILIZE EVERY COUNTRY IT CAN TO THE EXTENT IT CAN. In short, THE USA WORKS FOR THE DEVIL. It's NO WONDER THE U.S. DOLLAR IS FALLING AND THE COUNTRY FALLING APART WITH ORGANIZED CRIME RUNNING PARTS OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR. Biden is A EUNUCH. He caN'T do much: HE HAS NO MONEY. (Ha! Ha!) As to THE IMPORTANCE OF THE USA IN WORLD AFFAIRS, it's BLUFFING. The USA does NOT count any more. NATO does NOT count any more ESPECIALLY BECAUSE PRESIDENT HAS REPEATEDLY SAID THAT RUSSIA'S MILITARY IS ONLY FOR DEFENSIVE PURPOSES UNLIKE THE USA WHICH HAS USED IT MILITARY IN "FOR DECADES" IN UNPROVOKED, UNJUSTIFIED, UNNECESSARY, COSTLY WARS and the Americans are trying to paint President Putin as CRAZY! SAME ON THE USA. It's going STRAIGHT TO HELL. It will be soon OS POOR that the Congressmen/women will be forced to panhandle. (Ha! Ha) Ken, Toronto, CANADA