President Macron comes across as A TEENAGE NEOPHYTE. President Putin made it CLEAR TO HIM what he REQUIRED IN TERMS OF SECURITY GUARANTEES in order to DESESCALATE EVERYTHING. President Putin accused him of NOT LISTENING. He met with President Putin SEVERAL TIMES only for President Putin to say YOU ARE WASTING MY TIME. One is left SHAKING ONE'S HEAD asking IS THIS GUY JUST PLAIN STUPID OF WHAT? Perhaps, he's just in A STATE OF SHOCK. Perhaps. Maybe NOT! (Ha! Ha!) MAYBE, MAYBE he's JUST PLAIN STUPID. Sadly, he reminds me of Canada's Prime Minister who was recently GRANDSTANDING in Europe (CHEAP POLITICS). AFTER Zelinsky, he HAS THE MOST BLOOD ON THIS HANDS. All NATO leaders have BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS. But he's THE ONE with THE MOST. This DEFENSIVE MILITARY INCURSION by the Russians into the Ukraine could EASILY HAVE BEEN AVOIDED "had he" LISTENED TO President Putin. WHERE are his MEA CULPAS? EVERYTHING SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE BY HIM IN ORDER TO AVOID THIS CONFLICT. So, WHAT did he do? WHAT? N-O-T-H-I-N-G! Nothing! Come on! LET'S NOT FORGET the Crimea, an independent region of the Ukraine, voted overwhelmingly to JOIN RUSSIA for a brighter future. YET, "ALL" NATO LEADERS are saying that Russia "annexed" the Crimea when it DID NO SUCH THING. CLEARLY, THE ACTIONS OF NATO demonstrate that it is AN ANTI-RUSSIAN, ANTI-CHINESE ORGANIZATION that wants to challenge Russia + China militarily. In other words, NATO run by the WAR-MONGERING, DIABOLICAL USA "promotes" war when China + Russia has REPEATEDLY SAID its military is solely FOR DEFENSIVE PURPOSES. Let's be clear: THE WAR THREAT COMES FROM NATO, NOT Russia + China. Ken, Toronto, Canada