HOW TO UNDERSTAND THE ECONOMY IS EASY: it has everything to do with JOB GROWTH or LACK thereof. THE INFLATION that we have is AN ABNORMALITY because it is NOT TIED TO JOB GROWTH. We have inflation due to A LACK OF AVAILABLE GOODS pushing up the prices of those goods along with THE RESTRICTED AVAILABILITY OF OIL + GAS. Consequently, consumers are SPENDING LESS resulting in NEGATIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH due to THESE RECESSIONARY FORCES that encourages consumers to spend EVEN LESS! ALL THIS creates ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY which "reinforces" THE CONSUMER WILL DRIVEN BY A FEAR OF POVERTY to CONTINUE TO SPEND LESS! THE SOLUTION is THE ELIMINATION OF POVERTY through GUARANTEED INCOMES + A LIVING MINIMUM WAGE + REQUIRING - BY LAW - THAT BUSINESSES PROVIDE THE HIGHEST WAGES POSSIBLE (Japan needs to do this in order to turn things around: otherwise, it will be A POOR COUNTRY like its model, the USA.) :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA