1,774 ------ 1,872 ---- 2,042 Prince Harry is carrying on where his mother, Princess Diana, left off in criticizing THE ROYALS: according to her, EVERYTHING IS "STAGED" BY THE GREY MEN who run THE ROYALS. WHAT SURPRISES ME is this appears to be A VENDETTA by Harry who feels "justified" in carrying out for the love of his mother whose accidental death was NO ACCIDENT. WHAT, ALSO, SURPRISES ME IN THIS WHOLE AFFAIR, is that we were lead to believe that Meghan had a leash around his neck + THAT SHE WAS THE CULPRIT + mastermind in all this. Apparently, that is NOT the case. PRINCE HARRY IS VERY MUCH IN CHARGE of the whole affair including Meghan. Surprise! Surprise! From what I can see HIS DISPOSTION is very much that of A HIGH-RANKING MILITARY OFFICER. He's won MY ADMIRATION. (HA! HA!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA