"Goal is to exhaust + crush Russia." AND weaken AT THE SAME TIME the Commonwealth of Independent States lead by Russia. AND send a message to China that NATO with the QUAD "can" take on China militarily. It's A RESOURCE-BASED WAR whose objective is TO EXHAUST THE MILITARY RESOURCES of the other. The USA seeks to exercise ITS DOMINANCE using both NATO + the QUAD. NEITHER the USA NOR NATO has "the economic muscle" to do it + are becoming ECONOMICALLY ANEMIC in their attempt to "exhaust + crush Russia" causing their respective currencies to fall in value + reducing the discretionary spending + purchasing power of their citizens due to increased prices as a result of their currencies losing value. OVERLY DEBT BURDENED NATO COUNTRIES (the USA in particular) canNOT hold up under THE BURDEN of this military conflict in the Ukraine. Their strategy can only work in the short-term providing Russia buckles: OTHERWISE, THEY WILL BUCKLE in the long-term + PREVENT WW III. Fortunately, President Putin is PREVENTING WW III + sparing China from A DEVASTATING WAR. It's, THEREFORE, IN CHINA'S INTEREST - in particular - to back President Putin seen as A HERO by Muslim countries for having defended Syria for OVER A DECADE AGAINST U.S. MUSLIM-BASHING AGRESSION. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA