Clearly, like all so-called North Korean defectors, she has been "trained" (in my view) to say what South Koreans "expect" to hear: it's always THE SAME QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Of course, they're laughing at South Koreans. Her responses seem to be well-prepared "in advance". She knows what she "needs" to say. (Ha! Ha!) She's SMART! Sure, the life in North Korea is NOT as "rosy" as in South Korea due to a lack of money, but it's still COMFORTABLE. Everybody is everybody else's friend. That caN'T be said of South Koreans who have an "inflated" view of themselves that North Koreans must find VERY AMUSING - I'm sure. :D North/South Korean unity has to be "THE PRIORITY" among Asian countries in order to rid themselves of THE MASSIVE NUMBER of American soldiers in the region: THE BIGGEST THREAT TO PEACE. Interestingly, the North Koreans want UNITY ASAP and the South Koreans - much to the pleasure and snickers of the USA - are dragging their feet. The USA has been planning a major war in the region for decades whose sole purpose is THE MASSIVE KILLING OF ASIANS. It's their 2nd most intelligence priority after the annexation of Canada. Once, there is KOREAN UNITY, young South Korean men won't have to spend TWO YEARS in the military and EIGHT YEARS in the reserved forces. MY HOPE is that UNITY WILL COME ASAP to order to avoid THE MASSIVE KILLING OF ASIANS BY THE AMERICANS AND THEIR ALLIES IN THE REGION. Ken