67 ----------- 195 Things will COME BACK TO NORMAL? WHAT?!!! WISHFUL THINKING. THE HUGE FLIGHT OF FOREIGN CAPITAL (which is happening in the USA - as well. but is NOT YET as significant until the U.S. Gov't says it has NO MORE MONEY to maintain THE STATUS QUO) is knee-capping the Brits. Things will COME BACK TO NORMAL? IMPOSSIBLE! The NEGATIVE MARKET TREND for THE NEXT 20 YEARS will "cripple" the USA + the EU + Britain ALL WITH BLOATED GOVERNMENTS WITH ZERO-FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY who call themselves democracies. Democracies with ZERO-FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY is NOT POSSIBLE: what you have is 100% CROOKED, EILIST FACIST STATES that put their military + Police FIRST! The 20+-year RECESSION will force these governments to REDUCE THEIR SIZE + CLEAN UP THEIR ACT by using technology to reduce GOV'T CORRUPTION TO ZERO. RIGHT AT THE START, he mentioned Italy who is A SUCCESS STORY ECONOMICALLY because it NEVER ADHERED TO "neo-liberal economics" that had governments selling publicly-owned businesses which Thatcher was all for (so was Raegan who was against Gov't ownership of businesses + cheered Thatcher on). ITALY IS! HURRAH for Italy. Thanks to Gov't involvement in the Italian private sector, their private sector is HEALTHY! DEMOCRACY IS COMPLETELY IN FAVOUR OF GOV'T INVOLMENT IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR 'PROVIDING' IT'S IN THE INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE. What we are NOW WITNESSING in the USA + EU + Britain is THE REALIZATION BY THE PUBLIC that their governments are NOT WORKING IN THE INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE. If they were, they would NOT have "provoked" Russia using NATO in order to have ALL EUROPEAN COUNTRIES ''gang-up" on Russia FOR AN EVENTUAL WAR WITH RUSSIA. WHY does NATO exist? To achieve THE KEY OBJECTIVES OF THE USA: the dismantling of Russia + China. THIS ECONOMIC CRISIS WAS CAUSED BY NATO + only served to reinforce THE RECESSION that we have been in for several years already that have forced employees to work REDUCED HOURS. Ken, Toronto, Canada