COMMENT DELETED. Cyclical bear market? WHAT?!!! NOT ENOUGH MONEY to go around? That sums it up the the U.S. Gov't + U.S. financial markets + those of most NATO countries. People are NOT going to buy if they're short money, are they? People's NET WORTH are beginning to melt so they're "careful" with their money, but WHERE + IN WHAT to invest that's secure + profitable. People turned to bonds. With Credit Suisse we learn they're NOT SECURE. The financial markets (the banks in particular) + investors are TERRIFIED! A LOT OF THE PROBLEM in the market place is that people (banks in particular) took TOO MUCH RISK (via creative financial instruents) by crooks who wanted the incentives by creating INSANE EXPECTATIONS of greater returns that can be had EASILY based on THE FALSE NOTION of greater the risk, greater the return. Everyone (bankers especialy) seemed to be joining the mindless herd of lemmings. Caution: CLIFF UP AHEAD. NO TIME TO NOTICE. GO WITH THE FLOW. What could go wrong? IT ALL WORKED - for awhile. It was as if they were under some spell. The incentives for reckless investment was created BY A RECKLESS FINANCIAL ENVIRONMENT and, now, we're experiencing THE FALLOUT which is NOT GOING TO BE A ONE TIME AFFAIR and THAT'S IT. We all have to come back to SOUND INVESTING that will yield a "positive" return. For that, you need GOOD MANAGEMENT: Peter Drucker is the authoritative source on that. When doing my business degrees at the University of Ottawa, the Faculty of Business was guided by his thinking most notably know for MBO (management by objective in operational terms + results-based management) BUSINESS THINKING HAS TO BE "SOUND" - especially in the financial sector. This whole financial dilemma we're experiencing is due to UNSOUND THINKING that was NOT WELL THOUGH OUT. A falling U.S. dollar makes things WORSE! ALL THIS translates into a lower standard of living for Americans. Ken, Toronto, CANADA