4,311 ----- 4,786 ---- 5,108 ---- 5,844 ---- 5,868 --- 5,929 FOLKS, claps your hands; jump up + down. THE FUN BEGINS. This guys is QUITE THE TALKER who likes to hear himself talk. (NOT a good sign for a serious politician, ALRIGHT THOUGH for the Court Jester of yesteryear.) THIS GUY IS OUT TO MAKE EVERYBODY LAUGH. It's going to be BRITISH COMEDY HOUR as the country flushes itself down the toilet À LA AMÉRICAINE. Remember Boris Johnson's LAST WORDS as Prime Minister to the effect that, if the Brits follow the Americans, they'll be fine. Words that are reminiscent of Angel Merkel's words after learning the Americans were monitoring her phone calls: "BUT, we need the Americans." (Ha! Ha!) We have a military conflict in the Ukraine JUST BECAUSE NATO EXISTS "fully supported" by the Brits + the Germans + the other NATO countries. THE AMERICANS are using NATO to take down Russia, BUT "ALSO" EUROPE: the U.S. Gov't foreign policy has been to BREAKUP NOT ONLY RUSSIA + CHINA, BUT ALSO THE EUROPEAN UNION which they are achieving with much success. What WE SHOULD HAVE HEARD from Mr. Sunak was A BATTLEPLAN expressed in "operational terms". INSTEAD we were served with LONG-WINDED, RHETORICAL NICETIES of a bamboozling, political nature. WELL DONE, for A CLOWN as THE SHIP BRITANNIA is taking on water + GOING DOWN SLOWLY. MIGHT AS WELL HAVE THE LAUGHS, now, when you "still" can afford a pint at a local pub that is going to be OPEN FOR A FEW MORE DAYS, eh? THE BRITISH GOV'T (like all other Commonwealth governments) is A KLEPTOCRACY BECAUSE it has "ZERO" FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY. What is THIS GUYS going to do about that? NOTHING! THE FATE OF THE BRITISH PEOPLE + THE CROWN ARE "SEALED". :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA