1910 THIS GOES TO SHOW YOU THAT AMERICANS ARE "FIRST GRADE" TROUBLEMAKERS. The Tiananmen incident was created by CIA ESL teachers who used their influence among Chinese students to make the Chinese students involved in the whole Tiananmen Square affair that they were STANDING UP FOR DEMOCRACY for THE GREATER GOOD OF CHINA. They, THE AMERICANS, FIRSTRATE TROUBLEMAKERS, even had A HUGE STATUE OF LIBERTY built out of plaster on display at Tiananmen Square. The CIA suppports the Chinese anti-communict newspaper, the Epoch Times + the Falun Gong created in China in order to UNDERMINE THE AUTHORITY OF THE CHINESE GOV'T whose doctrine is SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE. It's IMPORTANT TO NOTE that the current Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, figures "prominently" there. Her recent visit to Taiwan was MEANT TO EMBARASS THE GOOD GOV'T OF CHINA who really + seriously cares about THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE. THE SAME THING canNOT be said of the U.S. Gov't given its inadequacy in responding to natural disaster like Hurricane Katina in 2005 that devastated New Orleans + Hurricane Sandy that raged along the U.S. Atlantic coast in 2012. THE BLIND ASSUMPTION AT PLAY IN ALL THIS is the USA is A DEMOCRACY. True? NOT true. The U.S. Gov't has ZERO TRANSPARENCY. The Rich pay between 2.5% - 3.5% in income tax AT THE MOST. Over 20% of the population is POOR in the best of years: HOMELESS NOW IS SERIOUSLY ON THE RISE as Americans "continue' to lose their jobs. ORGANIZED CRIME NOW RUN IVY LEAGUE UNIVERSITIES LIKE HARVARD + MORE+MORE HOSPITALS + whatever else making the FBI look like A BUNCH OF LOONEY TUNES. THE AMERICANS ARE SUCH LIARS that the U.S. Gov't created THE MYTH OF THE GREAT RESIGNATION. The U.S. Gov't is RUNNING ON EMPTY. THE U.S. REALITY is this: the "warmongering" USA is A POOR, BACKWARD COUNTRY with NOT ONE BULLET TRAIN + NO SUPPERSONIC MISSILES. As the Americans disappear off stage, the Chinese come in to replace them - nicely + in time :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA