433 --- 443 EXCELLENT, GRADE "A" CURATED REVIEWS of the news im- pacting the financial markets + throws light on what is going on: DEMAND IS FALLING - GLOBALLY! That will end ALL THE HYPE on inflation, right? :D "IT'S RECESSION TIME: tighten your belts." seems to be THE SUBTEXT in all this. (Ha! Ha!) A BIG THANK-YOU. Ken, Toronto, CANADA Bay6 response Not so fast. Deflation in non essentials doesn't necessarily reflect in essentials. Most if which is under great strain and threat right now. The inflation isn't Hype. Suggesting deflation is just around the corner because your nike's just got cheaper, is the hype. It doesn't make a spot of difference if no one's buying them. MY RESPONSE to Bay6 The global economy has been SHRIKING now pre-COVID. (Its lifebuoy is China which greatly helps to mitigate its effect. THAT is simple to understand for China to have clients they, their potential clients, have to have money.) This ALL MEANS we have been in A GLOBAL RECESSION for some time with FALLING PRICES. THE FALLING PRICES mean will are in A PERIOD OF DEFLATION which it THE MAIN PROPERTY of A RECESSION. Consequently, people have been working REDUCED HOURS like in Nike stores. (Ha! Ha!) THIS RECESSION for several decades is ALL ABOUT FINDING A HEALTHY, REALISTIC BASELINE on which we can "properly" judge the performance of the financial markets which have been OUT OF WHACK for some time. So HOLD ON TO YOUR BONNET as we are going to be facing A LOT OF HEAD WIND. WITHOUT China + Russia, it would be catastrophic. THE DAMMAGE will be limited to NATO + EU + U.S allies like Japan + South Korea. WHEN ALL THIS ENDS, the USA will be a 3rd world nation. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA