455 ------------ 1,247 Credit Suisse, "a dumpster fire": SUCH A "COLOURFULLY" SMART WAY of putting things. A lot of banks (especially American) have been "dumpster fires": nobody bothered to notice. :D When talking about the "solidity" of the Deutsche Bank, we have to take into account the "shaky" economy of Deutschland. The Deutsche Bank - for the longest time - was considered the "underpinning" of the EU economy as it was SO HIGHLY REGARDED: that's yesterday, NOT today - though. What it had going for it was the belief THE GERMANS WERE fundamentally ETHICAL. Does that "belief" apply today"? Schultz's erratic behavior (like "running" to Washington for his doggie biscuit + a pat on the head) provides us with the answer. IT'S NOT A VERY ENCOURAGING ONE. (Ha! Ha!) The ONLY GOOD THING that "can" be said of the Deutsche Bank is that it's NOT "AS BAD" as Credit Suisse: "that" does NOT mean that it's good - by the way. :D Deutsche Bank represented - at one time - THE SOUNDNESS OF THE GERMAN ECONOMY: the German business sector relied on it "heavily". Today, people want PROOF in terms of FORENSIC AUDITS. (Ha! Ha!) Otherwise, you really are IN THE DARK. Can you afford TO TRUST THE SYSTEM when YOU'RE IN THE DARK? No. It seems THE SYSTEM has been RUN BY CROOKS - for such a long time - that NOBODY EVER NOTICED. (Ha! Ha!) BLIND TRUST ruled the day NOW that the global economically is CONTRACTING people are putting their glasses on to see what's there + what's going on. They doN'T LIKE what they're seeing. It's a "gawd-awful" mess that explains the contraction we're in as the clogs of the global economic engine are NOT turning round + round smoothly in NATO countries. Ken, Toronto, CANADA