380 --- 540 THE BASIC CONUNDRUM is this: nations talk about democracy without anyone "really" knowing what are THE REQUISITE CON- DITIONS for a nation to be a democracy. Right off the bat, British Commonwealth countries are "blatantly" NOT DEMOCRATIC because, like ALL FREEMASONIC RUN COUN- TRIES (and these include France, the USA, Mexico), they have ZEROFINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY, a "primary" condition for being a democratic nation. The other one is THE JUDICIARY has to be INDEPENDENT OF GOV'T CONTROL: this means that governments CANNOT be involved in choosing the judiciary. OF COURSE, the People have to be able to "freely" choose who to elect. This means, ALSO, they have to have "viable political options" to choose from. Interestingly, THE MAJORITY OF THE POLITICAL PARTIES in Canada are financed by the Gov't + registered with Elections Canada. (Ha! Ha!) SO, is Canada a democracy? HINT: it's a member of the British Commonwealth. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA