From what I gather is that Tim Sebastian is operating from a number of cliché assumptions like there are democratic countries (the good guys) and non-democratic countries (the bad guys). The so-called "democratic countries" are in fact ELITIST, FASCIST POLICE STATES with ZERO FINANCIAL TRANSPARACY: it's all about the money. Their taxpayers are NOT informed as to whom are getting Gov't contracts. In Toronto. ON, Canada the City of Toronto contracts are ALL GOING TO AMERICANS or CANADIAN COMPANIES OWNED BY AMERICANS with the American Hells Angels running Toronto and some 25 cities in all in my view. :D Canada like all Commonwealth countries AND THAT INCLUDES HONG KONG are run by FREEMASONS and are 100% CROOKED LIKE THE USA and Mexico also run by their own Freemasons. Except in the USA the Freemasons are KKK Freemasons and they along with THE WHITE SUPREMACISTS run the U.S. Gov't Administration. THE KEY for getting A GOOD U.S. Gov't job is to join the KKK Freemasons or ANY WHITE SUPREMACIST GROUP. Trump appears to THE KKK GRAND WIZARD and would explain why no one could dislodge him when he was President. By "intentionally" painting China using "denigrating", "anti-China" remarks Tim Sebastian acts as A PROPAGANDIST. In fact, the USA more than any other country has AN ACTIVE ANTI-CHINA PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN now for decades THAT PAINTS CHINA AS A BULLY. It has surrounded China with military bases and has joint military exercises with South Korea and Vietnam solely to intimidate China. So, WHO IS THE BULLY? China or the USA. The USA! It's 2nd intelligence objective (after the annexation of Canada) is to have A MASSIVE WAR THAT EMBROILS ALL ASIAN NATIONS as well as India, Australis, and New Zealand that has been DECADES IN THE MAKING WHOSE SOLE OBJECTIVE IT THE KILLING OF AS MANY ASIANS AS POSSIBLE: that's NOT EVIL? YOU BET! THE "UGLY* REALITY that China has to deal with is that the USA (AND its allies like Australia, Canada, ... ) have agents on the ground in China (in "sensitive" places like Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong) whose sole job is to FORMENT TROUBLE. This has been going from the very start when China opened its doors to foreigners. The goal is to BREAK UP CHINA. China tolerates this because it has A HEFTY SECURITY APPARATUS that allows it to keep the lid on things by keeping these devils "heavily" surrounded. (Ha! Ha!). Two of "these devils" are Canadians now locked up after the arrest of Huawei's CFO, Meng WanZhou. China has A DUTY TO ITSELF and TO THE CHINESE PEOPLE to protect itself for the sake of SOCIAL STABILITY. China has been doing SUCH A GOOD JOB that foreign investment has surpassed that of the USA as China is seen AS A STABLE PLACE WITH NO POLITICAL RISK which is what foreign investors are looking for especially given the serious social unrest/inequality in the USA. While the Chinese currency continues to strengthen, the US DOLLAR and the EURO, and British POUND STERLING continue to fall. I think THAT tells THE REAL STORY that China enjoys the confidence of the global community and the Americans and Europeans do NOT! END OF STORY. (Ha! Ha!) P.S.: TODAY, there is ONLY ONE GREAT ECONOMIC POWER, China! (NOBODY comes even close.) If you're NOT a friend of China, you're NOT in the game and THE "ONLY" GAME IN TOWN is China! SO ... get in the game; get with China and we will have GLOBAL HARMONY, PEACE, and ECONOMIC PROSPERITY. (That's my advice to you.) :D Ken