488 --- 538 --- 1,196 The tax cuts that benefit especially the Rich seem to make sense to the class-based, aristocratic-run British society who are still "in love" with top down/dwindle-down eco- nomics that puts the Rich + the Aristocracy first along with the associated arrogance that has lead to BREXIT. They (the Rich + the Aristocracy) are NOT thinking what is good for THE PEOPLE. Had they done so they would NOT have left the EU + they would NOT have the military con- flict with Russian via NATO, BOTH VERY COSTLY AFFAIRS. When I heard the 1st speech of the new prime minister that she will govern LIKE A CONSERVATIVE, I knew "right away" she was going to put Britain on A SLIDING ECONOMIC SLOPE putting HEAVY DUTY NEGATIVE PRESSURE ON THE POUND. This backward, degenerative thinking championed by Boris Johnson only spells doom + gloom for the Brits. LIKE THE AMERICANS, THEY ARE LOST IN THE FOG when they are supposed to know better. (Ha! Ha!) With THE AMERICANS having "ivy league" universities + THE BRITISH having Oxford + Cambridge, you'd think they would be smart, nay, SMARTER THAN THE REST. They seemed to be cursed for being TOO IN LOVE WITH THEMSELVES - THOSE AT THE TOP that is. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA