420 As the global economy slows down in the coming decades, the price of energy will continue to fall due to LESS ECO- NOMIC ACTIVITY on account of A FALLING DEMAND as people have LESS DISRETIONARY INCOME. The current driving force of energy costs in Europe is THE PENURY of available energy due to the military conflict in the Ukraine which could have been avoided had the Ukraine formally decided that it would NOT join NATO in order to avoid a military conflict with the Ukraine. SO WHAT WE HAVE is A PROXY WAR in the Ukraine between the USA using NATO + Russia that we would have eventually anyway. The Europeans are learning first hand THE RAMIFI- CATIONS OF WAR + THE SERIOUSNESS OF A WW III which the Americans are planning for. WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER. This has been said time + again. President Putin has said it NOT THAT LONG AGO, SO WHY DOES NATO EXIST if is NOT FOR WAR? Differences need to be settled peacefully through the United Nations which THE AMERICANS have done ITS BEST to sabotage so that it can follow its own drum- mer to the tune of a $30 TRILLION DEBT. Are THE AMERICANS demented? That's A RHETORICAL QUESTION isN'T it? (Ha! Ha!) INSANITY comes with A PRICE. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA