220 Historically, the Brits worked with the Russians to bring down Nazism in WW II. Proof of this was the Yalta Conference. LUCKILY, history is on Sunak's side. As for Russian oligarchs, they constitute A FAMILY, "la famiglia" : they know each other, work together for THE GREATER GLORY OF RUSSI + ADVISE President Putin. In fact, they are AN EXTENSION of Russia's intelligence arm. As for Trump, he's THE GRAND WIZARD of the KKK. Modi is A MILITANT HINDU: his militant Hinduism to behind his political rise. "In ALL LIKELIHOOD", his "brand" of Hinduism was THE CAUSE for the Tamil-Singhalese war: if true, THEN, Modi has BLOOD ON HIS HANDS. BOTH Trump + Modi are DRUNK WITH POWER. They'd "addicted" to the limelight as was Queen Elizabeth + Macron - by the way. SO FAR, Sunak are been ACTING AS A BOT. The EXTENDED HAND TO RUSSIA can be "probably" attributed to the people who GUIDE HIS ACTIONS - typical of all commonwealth leaders + there is NO WAY OF EVADING THAT. In other words, HE'S NOT FLYING SOLO. Will Sunak STOP ACTING AS A BOT? How long his stays in office "under the fire of current events + economic turmoil" WILL TELL THE STORY. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA