800 ------ 1,150 ----- 1,393 Baksheesh| ( بخشش ) (in Middle Eastern countries) + guanxi in China have historically been "the way" BUSINESS has "always" been conducted: it "solidifies" THE BUSINESS RELATIOINSHIP. At the end of a Japanese business meeting the guest will present a gift to his/her host: THAT is how business conducted in Japan. GIFT-GIVING as a sign of GOOD WILL + GRATITUDE for doing business with that other party: it's an acceptable, highly valued BUSINESS PRACTICE in the Asian + Middle Eastern world. IT IS A VERY CIVILIZED WAY OF DOING BUSINESS. When it comes to Europe + the Americas you canNOT do business without offering bribes + kickback with dealing with their respective governments because they are run by crooks. THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO.: one is entirely honourable based on culture + history; THE OTHER, unacceptable + dishonourable. Ken, Toronto, CANADA