Donald Trump tipped us off to THE FACT that THE AMERICANS are SUCH LIARS: OLD MAN BIDEN has the COVID virus a 2nd time + NO ONE ELSE in his entourage has it. Come on! NOT LIKELY. When the people in the pit in Shakespeare's Globe Theater (just in front of the stage) through rotten tomatoes at A BAD PERFORMER, s/her was pulled off stage with a long staff with a hook at the end (like a bishop's crosier). HIS HANDLERS took him off the stage of the international arena BECAUSE HE'S SUCH A LIABILITY TO THE USA. So this "begs" the question: HOW MANY MORE TIMES is Oldman Biden going to get COVID? This has ALL THE MAKINGS OF A BLACK COMEDY. This is ALL VERY GOOD ENTERTAINMENT at the expense of AMERICAN CREDIBLITY highlighting THE FACT that THE AMERICANS are A BUNCH OF CLOWNS that caN'T be taken seriously - especially THE PERSON HOLDING THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT. The Chinese AT ONE TIME took every word uttered by the U.S. President according to a Chinese intelligence friend of mind. Those were the days, my friend. TODAY, they must be - like me - LAUGHING THEIR HEADS OFF. (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA