84 ----- 119 WHY would China be embarrassed by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict? The USA has been "pushing" for a WW III - since the Cold War! President Putin's military conflict in the Ukraine is "preventing" a WW III. For OLD MAN Biden to say the USA is NOT looking for a conflict with China is NOTHING BUT A LOT OF NONSENSE. The U.S. Gov't is ALL ABOUT "creating" DIALECTICAL CONFLICT (a Marxist term) meant to divide the world between those that side with the USA + those that doN'T. The "NEEDLESS" KILLING OF Libya's Gaddafi, a model citizen of the world at the time, by the USA (using NATO) was to "reinforce" its DIALECTICAL APPROACH of "be on our side" or PAY THE PRICE LIKE Gaddafi which they tried to make Bashar al-Assad of Syria pay, but wereN'T able to THANKS to Russia "adroitly" defending Bashar al-Assad for OVER A DECADE with a "small" contingent of Russian soldiers + a small military base: the only one outside of Russia (unlike the Americans who have MILITARY BASES ALL OVER PLACE - some secret like in Toledo, Spain). THE AMERICANS ARE "BAD" GUYS: history confirms this. Ken, Toronto, CANADA
676 ---- 802 The meeting was AN EXERCISE IN U.S. PROPAGANDA with President Xi Jinping smiling. (Ha! Ha!) China HAS THE MONEY: it acts as a world development bank for Latin America + Africa + Central Asia + ... . China has NOTHING but bullet trains; the USA does NOT have ONE: it's now a POOR, BACKWARD COUNTRY. Its $775 BILLION-A-YEAR military does NOT have ONE supersonic missile: China + Russia do. About the military conflict in the Ukraine, NO NATO no military conflict. You Brits are going to DIE FROM THE COLD for supporting this war. Did you guys DENOUNCE any of those unjustified, unprovoked ANTI-MUSLIM BASHING WARS "for decades" by the USA that racked up a $30 TRILLION DEBT? NO! About the Ukraine, THE MORE the conflict "drags on" in the Ukraine, THE MORE President Putin wins. Like THE AMERICANS, you Brits have A TASTE FOR WAR. Like the USA, you Brits are ON YOUR WAY to becoming A POOR BACKWARD COUNTRY. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA
2908 ----- 3,416 ---- 3,468 With THE AMERICANS it's IMPOSSIBLE to have a dialogue: they just want to HAVE THEIR WAY. The CONTRAST between the USA + China is this: the USA is BROKE (NOT ONE bullet train) + China (all trains are bullet trains) has THE MONEY because it acts as a world development bank. Chian is THE ONLY COUNTRY that has THE MONEY to invest in other countries: will it be investing in the USA? NOT AS LONG AS THOSE "silly" U.S. SANCTIONS remain in place. The U.S. $ is FALLING! The USA is FINISHED! MEANWHILE, China is TAKING OFF! Ken, Toronto, CANADA